The School of Possibilities offers course after course in subject matter that actually changes lives. What you learn here will make your life better while better equipping you to help change the lives of others.

Investing time and money into these course is seed sown into one-to-one mentorship that promotes self-improvement. You will complete every course feeling like the champion you are ...only you didn't know it then.

I absolutely consider myself blessed to have been a former student at FEC College Level Bible Study, under the teaching of Dr. Cynthia McInnis, who was the College Level Bible School Professor at the time. She is an outstanding teacher. 

Her style of teaching is dynamic in a sense that she not only teaches the Bible, both the Old and New Testament but at the same time she incorporates a unique two-fold method of both history and writing skills. She teaches the history of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation, but at the same time, incorporates a method of essay writing. So, at the end of the course a great deal of us learned how to become better writers, while studying the Bible. It was so much fun to learn different styles of writing sermons.

We didn’t quite understand at first but realized later that she had a great expectation for us to be high achievers, preparing us for various aspects of the ministry. In other words, she had a desire for each of us not only to become spiritually aware of the history of the 66 Books, but to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel.

Overall, her spiritual knowledge and skills, are exemplary. Her straight-forward professionalism “kept us on our toes” thriving for more regardless of the ages, from the youngest to the oldest, we all felt this great level of confidence yearning to learn more.

In fact, many of us have asked over and over when she would start another class.

- Denise Green

Introduction to HERmiletics

HERmiletics is the art and science of women preparing and delivering sermons. The introduction details areas that are specific to women in ministry while introducing the concepts of Homiletics.

HERmiletics 101

Coming Soon! A full compilation of Homiletics for beginners and advanced students with excerpts specific to women in ministry throughout. Including Outlines, Study-plans, Sermon styles, breathing techniques, Speech development, content organization and much more.

Writing 101

You Can Say it but But You Cannot Write it!

Coming Soon! If writing seems impossible for you, you are in the write place. This course will help you sharpen your writing skills and help you write what you're trying to say! From basic writing skills to full essay writing. You will read what you wrote and be reminded that all things are possible to those that believe!

English Language Arts 101

Become comfortable as a Public Speaker

If public speaking is a serious challenge for you, you are right where you need to be. This course will help you sharpen your English Language Arts skills by mastering the use of grammar tools most often ignored, such as commas and suffixes.


Introduction to the Bible

For those that hunger and thirst for understanding, particularly, the understanding of the Bible. Proverbs reminds us that in all of our getting, we must get an understanding. Dr. Cassandra Andrews Jackson masterfully walks you though the paradigms of the Bible in this user-friendly module of biblical introduction.

The Preaching Camp

Presenting the three C's of the Preacher

CONTENT - Homiletic Structure

CONSECRATION - Prayer and Preaching Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit

CONDUCT - The Character and Lifestyle of the Preacher

And much more

Hi, I’m Dr. Cynthia McInnis

I've been an educator all of my life. Even as a child, I prayed at Christmas for a blackboard and a box of chalk. I discovered the true super-power of learning. Not that when you learn you pass tests, you move forward and you make more money, but that when you learn, you unveil possibilities and without effort, you become better! You become more equipped to help others become better. I realized that I may never have enough money to give away the materials things I'd like to give and I decided that my life's desire is to give the best of me to as many as would receive.

Cynthia McInnis, D.D., M.Ed

Minister, Author and Lover of People